I have entered our local cake show two times and decided that this year I would do the
NCACS Wedding Competition . The last time I went to a large show was when this show was part of the Westminster Cake show in Maryland in 2008. Every year I said I would go back and yet every year passed by without me being there. Not this year! This year pure determination set in and Annandale/Fairfax here I came.

The couple to receive the "cakes" were having a "Simple, Yet Elegant" wedding, but I have never been known to do anything simple. I had to play to the artsy side of the couple and act as though the cake was an art gallery ready for viewing. The board was covered with fondant and made to look like hardwood flooring. The cake shapes were diamonds(bottom 2) and round(top 2).

This was my first time making cymbidium orchids, peonies, and calla lilies. I must say that even though they weren't the greatest, I was still proud of them. I watch lots of
HGTV and because I can't paint my own walls, this cake became an interior design for me. It really cured that itch. I had a blast at the show and am already planning next years venture. If you get a chance check out the site and as soon as the rules are posted ENTER. If you don't want to enter, but still want to be a part of the show, they are always looking for volunteers.

Look below. Yes, that's Norman of
The Sweet Life posing for his close ups, lol. I took his Running a Business class at the show and he is just hilarious. He's a cool and down to earth man that's willing to help you if you need it.

Thanks for looking....
It looks you had a fabulous time! I wish I could have been there too!!